Thank you to those who sent us questions about the start of the 2020-2021 school year. Please keep in mind that we have three Response Levels for the school year. The three possible response levels of operation include a full return (all in), a hybrid A/B schedule, and a full online schedule from home. Decisions about which schedule to follow throughout the school year will be based on the safety guidelines from our authoritative bodies.
Continue to send questions to Mrs. Millburg at millburgg@qasstl.org
Q: Will student temperatures be taken upon arrival to school?
Yes. We ask parents to take each child’s temperature at home before coming to school and complete the “Healthy Knights Checklist” before coming to school, then we will check each child’s temperature upon arrival before they exit the car. If your child has a fever of 100.4 or higher they will return home with the parent.
Q: How will staff members be screened?
Staff members will be screened the same way students are by participating in a daily self-assessment before reporting to school (Healthy Knights Checklist). This will include a temperature check at home. The health checklist asks questions regarding the presence of onset of fever, cough, shortness of breath, loss of sense of smell or taste, muscle aches, sore throat, fatigue, headache, congestion or runny nose, unrelated to a pre-existing health condition or nausea, vomiting or diarrhea. The questionnaire also asks individuals to report any close contact with a person that has a suspected or confirmed case of COVID-19 or demonstrated any of the listed symptoms. Staff are also advised to stay at home if any symptoms are present and seek medical advice.
Q: What will QAS do to make sure my child maintains social distance?
Preschool classes have been moved into larger, double spaces to allow for more physical distancing (Ms. Kayla-MakerSpace, Ms. Janet-Old Library/Spanish room, Ms. Kim using both her room and Ms. Janet’s).
Classroom desks are spaced a minimum of 3-6 feet apart and face the same direction unless clear guards are used to create a protective barrier or masks are required.
If younger students are working in small groups, are engaged in close proximity activities (less than 6 feet), or any situation where 6 feet is not possible, masks should be worn.
There will be no large or multi-grade gatherings.
Q: Who has to wear a face mask at school?
Recent health recommendations are that face masks are REQUIRED at all times, by all ages. This includes:
All persons, adult and children, will be required to wear a face mask when entering and exiting the building.
Face masks will be required by all persons in the building when in common areas (I.e. any area outside of a regular classroom such as hallways, restrooms, cafeteria, staff lounge, office, gym, etc.).
Face masks will be required in the classroom.
Q: Will parents be allowed in the building?
Not at this time.
Q: Will volunteers be allowed in the building?
A pre-approved list of classroom volunteers will be admitted to the building. They will be required to temperature check and complete the Healthy Knights Checklist before entering the building. They will have a temperature check upon entering and will be required to remain masked for the duration of their visit.
Q: What will happen if my child or a staff member becomes symptomatic during the school day?
If staff or student is identified with symptoms that indicate possible coronavirus infection:
Staff members will be sent home immediately.
Students will be isolated and parent/guardian contacted to pick up the student.
Staff or students will be advised to contact a healthcare provider to determine whether symptoms are a result of COVID-19 infection or other health issues.
Local health agency will determine when it is acceptable to return to school.
The school will follow the guidelines of the local health department regarding contact tracing, classroom or school exposure, notification of community, sanitizing/disinfecting protocols, etc.
Q: What happens if there is a confirmed positive Covid case at QAS?
IN THE EVENT A CASE OF COVID-19 IS IDENTIFIED AT QAS, we will work with the Archdiocese of St. Louis and the St. Louis County Health Department to make decisions regarding closing the school. The following parameters will be followed:
We reserve the right to send home and ask to remain in quarantine students and staff members if there is an indication of possible infection.
We will identify anyone who the individual was in 6-foot contact of a positive staff or student.
If we cannot identify specific persons, we reserve the right to quarantine everyone who was in the same room or area.
In the event a person diagnosed with COVID-19 is determined to have been in the building and poses a risk to the staff or students and if the school is unable to properly clean and disinfect the area during the nighttime closing, the school may close for 1-2 days for cleaning and disinfection of the building or exposed area.
Q: What will happen if there are multiple positive cases in the school building?
The St. Louis County Health Department states that if over 5% of the student body in a building or district test positive in any day, 4% test positive over two days in a row or 3% test positive for three days in a row, then that building or district closes for 10 days (percentages may vary when more scientific data becomes available)
Q: Are there any procedures in place for families who choose to travel?
Parents and families who travel and may have been exposed to a confirmed case may be asked to keep children home to limit possible exposure to others. The school may request a doctor’s note prior to a child returning.
Q: How will morning drop off procedures change this year for Kindergarten through 8th grade?
Students will be admitted to the school starting at 7:30 am and report directly to their classrooms. Kindergarten through 3rd Grade will enter through the music room doors. Students in 4th through 8th grade will enter through the cafeteria doors. 4th & 5th proceed up south stairwell, 6th-8th proceed up north stairwell.
Q: How will drop off procedures change for Preschool this year?
Parents will park and walk their children to the front entrance of the school. There will be a staff member on hand to check the child’s temperature. Preschool teachers and aides will meet preschool students at the front entrance of the school each morning to escort students to the classrooms. Parents will not be allowed to enter the building.
Q: Will we pick our children up in the usual way?
Kindergarten through 8th grade will be released at the end of the day, one class at a time in each area. Parents need to allow for extra time at the end of the day for the release of students and parking lot release.
Q: Will students still have PE in the gym? If not, will they still dress in PE uniforms?
All specialty classes will take place in the classroom or outdoors (as weather/activity permits). Students will dress out for PE as usual. The middle school will be permitted to wear PE uniforms to school and remain in them all day.
Q: Will my student be switching classes?
Teachers will move from class to class. Students will stay in their homeroom cohort all day.
Q: Will middle school have an advisory class?
In-person advisory will not be possible given students will remain with their homeroom cohort.
Q: How do you plan to provide instruction to those who have to quarantine for 10-14 days?
For students with symptoms or exposure required to be out of school for temporary periods of time, modified virtual learning will be provided to keep students engaged in school. A comprehensive distance learning plan has been developed to be implemented in the event of school closure mandated by governing authorities.
Q: How do you plan to handle more frequent teacher absences due to the current pandemic?
QAS has hired a full-time substitute teacher for the 2020-2021 school year to support the need for classroom coverage.
Q: Will my child use his/her locker this year?
Yes, student locker assignments have been spaced apart and classes will be scheduled so that social distancing is in place. Students will be required to wear masks as lockers are in a common area.
Q: If we have to move to distance learning will it look the same as last quarter?
QAS has invested in various technology platforms that are user friendly for specific grade levels:
SeeSaw for PK-3rd grade which will enable younger students to independently navigate online learning
Google Classroom for 4th - 8th students
As a staff, we have created schedules for implementing lessons in each subject.
Q: Will there be a tuition adjustment should we move into a hybrid or online schedule?
Tuition will remain the same. All-in, hybrid and online teaching each take a significant amount of time and energy to create and implement. Furthermore, the vast number of school expenses remain the same regardless of the type of instruction we provide.
Q: Will my children still attend school mass?
Where social distancing, the wearing of masks and proper hand sanitizing make it possible, QAS will attempt to give students an in-church experience with mass once a week. Mass participation will also be provided live stream in the classrooms.
Q: My child is supposed to have his First Holy Communion this year, will that still happen?
Yes, all sacraments will continue to be provided to students.
Q: Will we have after school clubs?
Not at this time.
Q: Will QAS continue with our yearly scheduled events and celebrations such as Grandparents Day?
No, not at this time. We will do our best to have events virtually and to celebrate in new special ways.
Q: Will we have Before Care and/or Aftercare this year?
Yes, Before Care and Aftercare will be offered. This service will begin the first full week of school.
Q: Will kids eat in the classroom this year?
Q: Can kids bring lunchboxes?
Students may still bring their own lunchbox.
Q: Will we still have the option to buy school lunches? What about a la carte items?
Yes, students may still order from MGK up to midnight the night before. A la carte items will be added to the pre-order menu. Lunches will be individually packaged and delivered to the classrooms.
Q: What if I forget to pack my child’s lunch, can I still bring it to school?
Parents may still drop off items at school for their children. The parent will ring the bell at the front entrance and a staff member will come retrieve the items from the parent. Please be sure the student's name is clearly visible.
Q: Will my children have recess with their homeroom class?
Students will have recess within classroom cohorts. Recesses are encouraged at all grade levels to provide students with opportunities to get out of the classroom. In addition, recess and PE equipment has been purchased for each class so there is no sharing across cohort groups. The QAS playground will remain closed. Recesses will take place on the grassy areas and parking lot as needed.
Q: What are the 3 possible school schedules this year? Is something special happening for PREK-1st grade?
Response Level 1
all students in person in school with heightened safety protocols
Response Level 2
PK, K, and 1st grade have the choice of remaining all in 100% (except the first two days of school when only group A or B students will be in school.) Classes will be placed in learning spaces that provide for optimum physical distancing.
Students in grades 2-8 attend on alternate days (50% on A days, 50% on B days). Self-directed schoolwork will be assigned for days at home.
Students have been identified so that all children in the same family would attend on the same days.
Response Level 3
All students at home distance learning.