Classroom Information
Important Dates To Remember
February 2025
*5 - Faith Families
*7 - Unit 9 Fundations Homework Packet due & Assessment
*7 - Unit 9 Spelling Test
*14 - 1/2 Day 11:30 Dismissal
*17 - No School President's Day
Spelling Words
Unit 10 Test - February 25
replay trays explain fainted crane
complained Saturday praying America
Read for 10 minutes, at least two times weekly. Books may be read out loud or independently and be picture books, chapter books, books from a home/school/public library, or any other book your child enjoys.
In addition, small paper books on or close to your child’s reading level and the short quiz that goes with it will be sent home most weeks. These are optional and can be used as additional resources for your child to complete their weekly reading homework. Quizzes can be completed and returned at any time to receive a sticker.
Complete and return the Fundation Homework Packet for each unit by the date due.
Study spelling words in preparation for each unit assessment.
Practice math facts, using Xtra Math, for 10 minutes at least two times weekly to prepare for weekly assessments. Other math fact resources can also be used for additional practice.
A math worksheet, associated with the skill we are working on, will also be sent home most weeks for extra practice. These are optional and can be kept at home or completed and returned at any time to receive a sticker.