I am Fr. Frank D’Amico. I go by either Fr. D’Amico or Fr. D.
With that last name, in answer to the question of am I from the Hill, yes I am. I am 4th generation on my mother's side. My father was a transplant from northeast Pennsylvania and moved here in early 1947 to find a job. They met when my father crashed a wedding reception in May 1947 and they were married the next year. I have an older sister named Mary who was born in 1954 and I was in 1959. We both attended St. Ambrose and Bishop Dubourg High School (my sister graduated in 1972 and I was class of 1978).
I attended Washington University for 2 years studying business before entering the seminary. I was ordained Jan. 3, 1987. My first assignment was at St. Matthias in Lemay. I feel like I have come full circle in being assigned to south St. Louis County again and looking forward to being here at Queen of All Saints. I have been to the far points of the diocese in my assignments. I was in Ste. Genevieve during the great flood of 1993; north Lincoln county and Wentzville for three of my assignments. I have been involved with the Knights of Columbus and ACTS retreats.
You will hear more about my life and family over the years ahead and I am looking forward to getting to know all of you. Please be patient with me in learning names. It usually takes 2 or 3 times asking what your name is for it to stay in my getting older brain.
Fr. Frank D’Amico