I am Fr. Ronald Hopmeir, one of your new priests. I am happy to be with you and look forward to my ministry in your parish. A little history about me would begin in Arnold, where I grew up on the family farm. The area at that time was known as Maxville -- it was all farm country -- and that is not really that long ago. My family for four generations has been members of Immaculate Conception Parish, and that is where I attended grade school. My next stop was Saint Pius X High School in Festus. I then graduated from The University of Missouri in Columbia with a degree in landscape design. With that background I started a landscape and wholesale greenhouse business and operated that for 15 years. My next adventure was to enter Kenrick Seminary, with ordination in 1991.
My parish assignments are as follows: Saint Peter Parish in Saint Charles for 5 1/2 years, Saint Rose of Lima for 12 years as pastor, and
my last assignment has been at Saint Stephen Protomartyr as pastor for the last 15 years. That is my biography in a nutshell.
Once again, I am very happy to now be at Queen of all Saints and looking forward to my time with you. One of my common responses to questions is that spiritual questions are welcome, but there could be a slight charge for questions on plant advice.
Fr. Ron Hopmeir