Mrs. Wood

Welcome to Kindergarten!

Welcome to Kindergarten!  My name is Gina Wood.  I am so excited to begin my fourth year of teaching Kindergarten at QAS and share my love of learning with the students.  

Just to briefly introduce myself… I attended St. Francis of Assisi grade school.  I graduated from Notre Dame High School.  I then received my bachelor degree in Early Childhood Education from the University of Missouri - St. Louis.  I taught first grade at St. Simon the Apostle for 20 years before coming to QAS. I am married to my husband Greg and we have 3 children.  Our son will be a sophomore at Missouri S&T.  Our daughter is going into 7th grade and our younger daughter will be in 2nd grade.  Both of our daughters also attend QAS.

I am looking forward to meeting your families and starting our new year together.

If you have any questions, please email me at